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- /*
- Drop•MPSR.c
- This is the code for a small application which handles the modification of the MPSR resource for
- editor systems.
- Many times I will download code which I want to use with (insert your editor's name here). However,
- the code is personalized for the person that used it (i.e. I like geneva-9 for programming, others prefer
- something different). Well, all of this information is stored in the MPSR resource in each of the text
- files.
- So I wanted an appl that I could drop the downloaded files on to set them up the way I want them
- right away; therefore I created this application.
- But I took the code one step further; not only does the MPSR resource get fixed, but this appl will set
- up a bunch of things for you (i.e. creator). Another thing it does is stack all of the windows for you.
- If you drop a bunch of files on the app at one time, the windows will be staggered automatically.
- */
- #include <LowMem.h>
- #include "Drop•MPSR.h"
- #include "MPSR Resource.h"
- #include "DSUtils.h"
- #include "SpinLib.h"
- Rect gMainScrn;
- Rect gOutRect,gInRect; // for storing the sizes of the zoom in and out rects.
- short gSelf;
- unsigned long gModTime;
- Handle gMPSR;
- unsigned short gLeft,gRight,gTop,gBottom,gGoDown,gGoLeft;
- OSType gCreator;
- /*
- MPSR_Init
- Initializes our stuff.
- */
- Boolean MPSR_Init(){
- Boolean ret;
- OSErr err;
- GDHandle mainDev;
- Handle h;
- PrefHand pref;
- ret=true;
- gSelf=CurResFile();
- SpinInit();
- // get our prefs...
- h=Get1Resource('•prf',editResID);
- if (h!=(Handle)0){
- DetachResource(h);
- HLock(h);
- pref=(PrefHand)h;
- gLeft=(*pref)->left;
- gRight=(*pref)->right;
- gTop=(*pref)->top;
- gBottom=(*pref)->bottom;
- gGoDown=(*pref)->shiftdown;
- gGoLeft=(*pref)->shiftleft;
- gCreator=(*pref)->creator;
- HUnlock(h);
- DisposeHandle(h);
- } else {
- gCreator='KAHL';
- gLeft=gRight=gTop=gBottom=2;
- }
- // get the main screen's rectangle
- mainDev=GetMainDevice();
- HLock((Handle)mainDev);
- CopyRect(&((**((*mainDev)->gdPMap)).bounds),&gMainScrn);
- if (gMainScrn.top<0)
- gMainScrn.top=0;
- // cut out the menu bar
- gMainScrn.top += LMGetMBarHeight();
- gMainScrn.top += 16;
- // add the prefered gaps...
- gMainScrn.left+=gLeft;
- gMainScrn.right-=gRight;
- gMainScrn.top+=gTop;
- gMainScrn.bottom-=gBottom;
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- MPSR_Cleanup
- Cleans up our stuff.
- */
- void MPSR_Cleanup(){
- SpinCleanup();
- }
- /*
- CopyRect
- Copies one rect to another.
- */
- void CopyRect(Rect* from,Rect* to){
- to->top=from->top;
- to->bottom=from->bottom;
- to->left=from->left;
- to->right=from->right;
- }
- /*
- MPSR_Preflight
- Preflight handling of the documents. We reset the rectangles for each group of files.
- */
- void MPSR_Preflight(short count,Handle* dataHdl){
- OSErr err;
- short current;
- SpinStart(1);
- // get the MPSR resource from the application
- current=CurResFile();
- UseResFile(gSelf);
- gMPSR=Get1Resource(editResType,editResID);
- err=ResError();
- UseResFile(current);
- if (err!=noErr){
- gMPSR=(Handle)0;
- } else {
- // got the handle, ok to continue...
- DetachResource(gMPSR);
- MoveHHi(gMPSR);
- HLock(gMPSR);
- // set up the zooming rectangles.
- CopyRect(&gMainScrn,&gOutRect);
- gOutRect.top +=4;
- gOutRect.right -=51;
- // now set the zoom-in rect
- CopyRect(&gOutRect,&gInRect);
- // modify the zoom-in rect some more...
- gInRect.right=gInRect.left +80;
- gInRect.bottom=gInRect.top+60;
- ReadDateTime(&gModTime);
- // now we're all set...
- }
- }
- /*
- MPSR_Postflight
- Postflight handling of the documents.
- */
- void MPSR_Postflight(short count,Handle dataHdl){
- // ditch the resource now...
- if (gMPSR!=(Handle)0){
- HUnlock(gMPSR);
- DisposeHandle(gMPSR);
- }
- SpinStop();
- }
- /*
- MPSR_Process
- Process one document.
- */
- OSErr MPSR_Process(FSSpecPtr theSpec){
- OSErr err=noErr;
- FInfo info;
- EditRSRCHdl mpsr=(EditRSRCHdl)gMPSR;
- err=FSpGetFInfo(theSpec,&info);
- if (err==noErr){
- if (info.fdType!='TEXT'){
- return noErr; // don't do anything to this file...
- }
- } else
- return err;
- // now update file for the changes...
- if (info.fdCreator!=gCreator)
- SetCreator(theSpec,gCreator);
- // make the changes to the local MPSR resource handle...
- CopyRect(&gInRect,&((*mpsr)->windrsrc.openrect));
- CopyRect(&gOutRect,&((*mpsr)->windrsrc.closerect));
- // fix up the in and out rects for the next file...
- gOutRect.top+=gGoDown;
- if (gOutRect.top>gOutRect.bottom-60){
- gOutRect.left+=gGoLeft;
- gOutRect.right+=gGoLeft;
- if (gOutRect.right>gMainScrn.right)
- gOutRect.right=gMainScrn.right;
- gOutRect.top=gMainScrn.top+4;
- }
- gInRect.left+=85;
- gInRect.right+=85;
- if (gInRect.right>gMainScrn.right)
- gInRect.right=gMainScrn.right;
- if (gInRect.left>gInRect.right-60){
- gInRect.left=gMainScrn.left;
- gInRect.top+=65;
- gInRect.right=gInRect.left+80;
- gInRect.bottom=gInRect.top+60;
- }
- // change the file's MPSR resource...
- SetMPSRRes(theSpec);
- err=ForceFinderUpdate(theSpec,false);
- return err;
- }
- /*
- SetCreator
- Sets the creator for a file.
- */
- void SetCreator(FSSpec* fsp,OSType type){
- FInfo info;
- OSErr err;
- err=FSpGetFInfo(fsp,&info);
- if (info.fdCreator!=type){
- info.fdCreator=type;
- err=FSpSetFInfo(fsp,&info);
- if (err!=noErr){
- DSLocalError("\pError changing the file's creator.",err);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- SetMPSRRes
- Set the MPSR resource to the one out of the application's resource fork.
- */
- void SetMPSRRes(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr){
- Handle h;
- short fref;
- OSErr rerr;
- EditRSRCHdl mpsr=(EditRSRCHdl)gMPSR;
- long date=gModTime;
- fref=FSpOpenResFile(myFSSPtr,fsRdWrPerm);
- rerr=ResError();
- if (fref==-1){ // there was an error...
- if ((rerr==mapReadErr)||(rerr==-39)){// no resource fork. Create the res fork and re-open
- FSpCreateResFile(myFSSPtr,gCreator,'TEXT',smSystemScript);
- rerr=ResError();
- if (rerr!=noErr){
- DSLocalError("\pUnable to create the resource fork for this file.",rerr);
- return;
- }
- fref=FSpOpenResFile(myFSSPtr,fsRdWrPerm);
- rerr=ResError();
- if (fref==-1){
- DSLocalError("\pSerious program malfunction.",rerr);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (rerr!=-39){
- // some kind of weird funky error.
- DSLocalError("\pWeird error encountered...",rerr);
- return;
- } else { // weird number -39
- SysBeep(10);
- }
- }
- } else { // it opened ok. This could mean that there is already an MPSR resource.
- // check to see if there is one and remove it if so
- UseResFile(fref);
- h=Get1Resource(editResType,editResID);
- rerr=ResError();
- if ((h!=(Handle)0) && (rerr==noErr)) { // then the resource exists
- EditRSRCHdl tmp=(EditRSRCHdl)h;
- RmveResource(h); // mark it removed from the res file...
- // we must use the date out of this file, otherwise it could prompt some compilers to recompile
- // unchanged source code files. So get the handle's date before disposing of it...
- HLock(h);
- date=(*tmp)->selrsrc.date;
- HUnlock(h);
- DisposeHandle(h);
- UpdateResFile(fref);
- }
- }
- // make sure we are using the correct file
- UseResFile(fref);
- // set the correct modification time
- (*mpsr)->selrsrc.date=date;
- // temporarily remove the lock on the handle...
- HUnlock(gMPSR);
- // add the resource to the file
- AddResource(gMPSR,editResType,editResID,"\pDrop•MPSR Resource");
- rerr=ResError();
- if (rerr!=noErr){
- DSLocalError("\pErrors adding MPSR resource.",rerr);
- CloseResFile(fref);
- return;
- }
- // update the file
- UpdateResFile(fref);
- // detach the resource again (so we can re-use it)...
- DetachResource(gMPSR);
- // replace the lock
- MoveHHi(gMPSR);
- HLock(gMPSR);
- // close the res file and exit...
- CloseResFile(fref);
- }
- /*
- DSLocalError
- Local error function, should put up an alert with the error message.
- */
- void DSLocalError(StringPtr sp,OSErr err){
- #define kAlertID 200
- Str255 errorStr;
- NumToString ( err, errorStr );
- ParamText ( sp, errorStr, NULL, NULL );
- CenterAlert ( kAlertID );
- (void) Alert ( kAlertID, NULL );
- }